Why Use An ACAA Accredited Access Consultant?

The Association of Consultants in Access Australia (ACAA) has 6 classes of membership which can be applied for.

  • Accredited Member

  • Associate Member

  • Affiliate Member

  • Retired Member

  • Student Member

  • Corporate Sponsor

The highest membership class is the an Accredited member. In order to become an Accredited Access Consultant you need to participate in the continuing professional development program, have been an associate member for a number of years, must pass an Accreditation Test and also must have industry referees including two Accredited Access Consultants which provide a reference on the capabilities, knowledge and experience of that person.

It is also worth noting that most councils in NSW now request that the Access Consultant working on the project be Accredited. This is also sometimes specified in conditions of the development consent to ensure that the project is reviewed by an Accredited Access Consultant and not someone with a lower membership class such as an Associate or Affiliate Member. Typically a consultant that is Accredited would charge slightly higher fees, however the client would have peace of mind that the consultant is highly experienced, has the required capabilities and knowledge .

We would highly recommend you choose an Accredited Access Consultant for your next project. The list of ACAA accredited members can be found here:
